Given an array nums of n integers, find all unique triplets in the array which gives the sum of zero. Each triplet must be a tuple of three elements and the solution set must not contain duplicate triplets.
Input: nums = [-1,0,1,2,-1,-4]
Output: [[-1,-1,2],[-1,0,1]]
Explanation: In this example, the sum of the three elements at index (0, 1, 3) is 0. The sum of the three elements at index (1, 2, 3) is also 0.
Input: nums = []
Output: []
Explanation: In this example, there are no elements in the input array, so there are no triplets that sum to zero.
Input: nums = [0]
Output: []
Explanation: In this example, there is only one element in the input array, so there are no triplets that sum to zero.
Use a two-pointer approach to find all unique triplets in the array that sum up to zero.
1# Sort the array to easily handle duplicates
4# Initialize the result array
5result = []
7# Iterate over each element in the array
8for i in range(len(nums) - 2):
9 # Skip duplicates
10 if i > 0 and nums[i] == nums[i - 1]:
11 continue
12 # Initialize left and right pointers
13 left, right = i + 1, len(nums) - 1
14 # Two-pointer approach
15 while left < right:
16 total = nums[i] + nums[left] + nums[right]
17 if total == 0:
18 result.append([nums[i], nums[left], nums[right]])
19 # Skip duplicates
20 while left < right and nums[left] == nums[left + 1]:
21 left += 1
22 while left < right and nums[right] == nums[right - 1]:
23 right -= 1
24 left += 1
25 right -= 1
26 elif total < 0:
27 left += 1
28 else:
29 right -= 1
[-1, 0, 1, 2, -1, -4]
Step 1
Sort the array to easily handle duplicates and for efficient traversal
State: Sorted nums: [-4, -1, -1, 0, 1, 2]
Step 2
1result = []
Initialize the result array to store triplets that sum up to zero
State: Sorted nums: [-4, -1, -1, 0, 1, 2] Result: []
Step 3
1for i in range(len(nums) - 2):
Iterate over each element until the third last element to avoid out of bounds
State: Sorted nums: [-4, -1, -1, 0, 1, 2] Result: [] i = 0
Step 4
1if i > 0 and nums[i] == nums[i - 1]:
2 continue
Skip duplicates by checking if the current element is the same as the previous one
State: Sorted nums: [-4, -1, -1, 0, 1, 2] Result: [] i = 0 No duplicates skipped
Step 5
1left, right = i + 1, len(nums) - 1
Initialize left and right pointers for the two-pointer approach
State: Sorted nums: [-4, -1, -1, 0, 1, 2] Result: [] i = 0 left = 1, right = 5
Step 6
1total = nums[i] + nums[left] + nums[right]
Calculate the total sum of the triplet
State: Sorted nums: [-4, -1, -1, 0, 1, 2] Result: [] i = 0 left = 1, right = 5 Total: -4 + -1 + 2 = -3
Step 7
1if total == 0:
2 result.append([nums[i], nums[left], nums[right])
3 while left < right and nums[left] == nums[left + 1]:
4 left += 1
5 while left < right and nums[right] == nums[right - 1]:
6 right -= 1
7 left += 1
8 right -= 1
If the total sum is zero, add the triplet to the result and move pointers accordingly. Skip duplicates
State: Sorted nums: [-4, -1, -1, 0, 1, 2] Result: [[-1, -1, 2]] i = 0 left = 1, right = 5
Step 8
1elif total < 0:
2 left += 1
If the total sum is less than zero, move the left pointer to the right
State: Sorted nums: [-4, -1, -1, 0, 1, 2] Result: [[-1, -1, 2]] i = 0 left = 2, right = 5
Step 9
2 right -= 1
If the total sum is greater than zero, move the right pointer to the left
State: Sorted nums: [-4, -1, -1, 0, 1, 2] Result: [[-1, -1, 2]] i = 0 left = 2, right = 4
The algorithm involves sorting the array and then iterating through each element and finding the other two elements using two pointers. This results in a quadratic time complexity.
We use a hash set to store the unique triplets, which has a space complexity of O(n) where n is the number of unique triplets.
How it's used: Finding pairs in sorted arrays or lists efficiently
Where in code: Finding triplets that sum to zero
Example: Given a sorted array, finding two elements that sum to a target value
What: Not handling duplicates properly in the solution
Why: This can lead to incorrect outputs and missing valid triplets
How to avoid: Use proper logic to skip duplicate elements while iterating over the array
What: Not considering edge cases like empty input or input with less than 3 elements
Why: This can cause errors or exceptions during the execution
How to avoid: Always handle these edge cases at the beginning of the solution
What: Using brute force algorithms that result in high time complexity
Why: This can lead to inefficient solutions, especially for large input sizes
How to avoid: Optimize the solution using two-pointer technique or a hashmap for efficient lookups